Sunday, October 31, 2010

The TMAP Times - 25.10.10

Michelle's Farewell Part 2 - Lunch at Kia Hiang 25.10.10

Steve & Malinda's Big Day 23.10.10

After knowing her for 10 years, the 1st time I saw this girl was so nervous about her wedding on her day itself. Thank you, Bb managed to calm her down in the room. If not I think, our hp would be ringing like mad.

Suppose to be Spicy but the Groom and his Brothers love it so much. Idiot Mission failed for this.

Our chief was preparing on the 1st game

I didnt took much photos on the others due to busy having tasks running around. Managed to catch a few shots only.

Rushing to hotel after tea ceremony. This is the 1st time we attend lunch wedding. 

 View from Pan Pac

Before March in, this was what we doing outside the ballroom.

We started to take pictures to keep us awake. Pardon us for the tired faces as we did not sleep for almost 17 hours.

Once again, congratulations to Malinda & Steve. Have a blissful marraige!