Saturday, March 31, 2012

Update of Our Love Nest

Going to be ready soon! ^-^

My New Collection

Reward for me. Thanks Bb. In love with leather and it's simple design.

Baby Guinevere at 5 month

Baby Guinevere - 27.3.12

Do I look SEXY???

Do I look like Daddy?

I'm sure you guys will have the answer.

Babykidz Collections

Parcels for me? Haha don't think so although is under my name. Nowadays Bb told me my facebook has add quite a number of online clothing for baby and he is scare of receiving parcels that is under my name.

Bought 3 bibs from Babykidz Collections. They are selling 3 pieces for $8 which is reasonable compare to shops and gmarket.

Daddy's Little Girl..

Of course, need to buy one that is related to mommy

Really in love with purple stuff

Quality and design are not bad. Can consider to purchase from them again.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


I'm sick again!!! 2nd time of this week. Is it due to weather or the symptons are back after one and half year? Telling myself I need to be patient but sometimes it is the surrounding that affect me. Stop asking me all those questions!! I'm wont answer you guys anymore. Let me concentrate and stop pressuring me.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Singlish 20: Singlish Minister

Funny Video. Hope it chase away ur Blue Blue Monday!!!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Shichida Method

I'm getting more kiasu than before ever since became parent. Came across one of the blogs that a mother share her experience of teaching her son's education and found out about "Shichida Method". Heard Bb mention this before but I did not really look into it as the course is pretty ex. But after regarding her blog, this method can be teach at home with 15 minutes of my time everyday. The only thing is I need to be patience as result may show only after a year but this also depends on individual. Shall read up more and blog it later on about Shichida method.

By the way, her name is Emily and you can visit her blog at  Our Little Smarties

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Baby Hannah 1st Month

A little gift from Ting Ting and her husband. Baby Hannah 1st month. 

Baby Guinevere - 16.03.12

Guinevere is getting more active each day which I'm having headache now. Finding new stuffs to entertain her every day.

Download a few apps on education on iPad for her. At least this can let her stay still. Watching phonics with her bunny

Opps spotting mummy taking her photo...

Baby Guinevere first intake - 13.03.12

Guinevere's first intake of semi-solid food. She was so cheeky on that day.

Waiting patiently for her food

The brown rice with si shen feng, purchase from Eu Yan Sang. One bottle cost $14.90. According to the elderly, "si shen feng" is to help to "开胃". I mix with milk powder and water and boil it to make like a paste. The taste is like peanut or almond. Luckily she love it if not we need to give her cereals which I prefer not to.


Sunday, March 11, 2012

Belated Birthday Meal

The 1st time in our journey that I was not able to celebrate his birthday with him due to his business trip at BKK. To make up for him, I'm decided to cook on the Saturday night. Why cook? Firstly, Bb need to eat more healthier food due to his busy schedule and secondly, Guinevere had her vaccine on the previous day which having slight fever. It would be better to stay at home for recovering. Anyway, Bb was happy with the dishes and I also decided to come up another blog on food itself. Stay tune on this new website.

Pose of the day - 9.3.12

Guinevere gave me this pose after her 6 in 1 vaccine. Cute to the max especially her mouth area!!!

Bb's Birthday Celebration at TMAP

Before Bb flew off to BKK, his colleague bought him cupcakes to celebrate his birthday. So sweet of them.

Getting more and more unfamiliar faces in the team.

Happy Birthday, Uncle Kenny!!!

Guinevere with her grandpa

Ok I know I look like an auntie over here. It's time to do something.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Baby Guinevere - 7.3.12

Whenever there is outing, there will be a cheerful smile on her face...

Friday, March 9, 2012

Mixed Feelings

Feeling emo recently. Abit tired with the routine that I have everyday. Think I need to have a break soon to be back to myself again. *Hinting Bb*

Was telling Bb the other day of my plan for our future. Not giving him stress but to pre-alert him and yes, he is supportive with it. Thanks for always being there and support me in whatever I do. You are a good husband and daddy. Love you so much!!!

Ok, need to call Baby Guinevere to wake up for her 6 in 1 vaccine. Nowadays Baby has so many jabs that need to take. Feel so heart pain whenever I see the needle poke right into it.

It's going to be tough but I'm not going to give up!!!

I Want You Back - Ming Bridges

有些男孩不能愛 - Ming Bridges 喬毓明

Cousins Forever!!!

Cousins Forever!!! The day where she managed to flip by herself.

Her Buddies

Carebears and Bunny are going to be her best friends.