Thursday, August 12, 2010

Chrysanthemum Tea Jelly

Find it quite interesting at NoobCook website, decide to give a try. Even MIL likes the taste. Very refreshing.

1) 1 packet of pre-sweetend Konnyaku jelly powder (I'm using 250gm)
2) Water (according to the Konnyaku jelly powder instructions, for mine is 1250ml)
2) Dried Chrystanthemum flowers (20gm for every 50ml water, i use 50gm)
3) 3-4 tsp wolfberries, saoked in water till puffy (around 20 mins)

1) In a pot, add water and bring to boil. When water is boiling, add Chrystanthemum flowers and simmer for a short few minutes (2 mins)
2) Off the flame, take out the flowers and run the tea through the sieve, Return with Chrystanthemum tea back to the pot and bring back to boil.
3) Once the water is boiling, add the Konnyaku jelly powder. Stir untl the powder is fully dissolved. Off the flame.
4) Add 3 - 4 wolfberries to each jelly mould, then pour the jelly solution prepared in step 3 to fill each mould. Let the jelly cool down abit in room temperature and chill in fridge till the jelly is set.

Bought this packet of Jelly powder which can make 32 pcs.

Chrysanthemum Flower and Wolfberries

Waiting to cool down

 After chill in fridge. Yummy

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