Saturday, September 25, 2010

Dylon ColourRun Remover

Was telling Angel about my 2 tops, (1 from F21 and 1 pre-order online) wore only once and kana color stains when washing. She told me she had experience before and her friend recommended her using Dylon ColourRun Remover to remove it. She find it quite useful. I decided to give it a try after hearing it, anyway no harm.
Manage to get it from NTUC. 2 sachets cost $7.80
Feel funny when reading the instructions. Sink with hottest water for an hour. Hmm but I still follow, instructions mah. I cook a pot of water, soak and stir regularly. The kiasu of me still soak it for a day.

Result: The color stain really came off. Seriously this is good. Manage to save the 2 tees. Angel told me she need 2 sachets to remove the stains but she didnt follow the instructions to use hot water to soak while I need 1 only.

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