Thursday, September 16, 2010

Guessing Game

We were on random topics on Tuesday and  Bb told me Celine & Michelle knew where his planning on 2nd of Oct, our ROM anniversary. Shit, evil Bb. This time he make me guessing for 2 weeks. The 1st one was on my birthday. Now he did it again. All along I thought will be a simple dinner. Didnt know he has actually plan something for it. Feeling excited and he is bad. Dont wish to tell me on more details but he keep doing this, "Ok, ok, I tell you if you really want to know." And i say yes, then he will start to change topics or pretend to sleep. Having the irritating snoring sound makes me more... Aaarrggg... Ok never mind I shall wait for the day to come.

P.S: Bb, if you are reading this, there is a small surprise for you too, Haha.. Pls wait patiently :p

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