Saturday, September 25, 2010

Oon's Birthday Celebration - 17.09.10

We were having our next "K" outing. Since it was near Oon's birthday, we decided to have a celebration for her. I was supposed to be late since I'm had to buy the cake but this turn out to be the other way. Oon was super duper late due to her last min urgent work. And I need to rush to Teo Heng since Angel was alone. Haiz...

While waiting for Oon, our photo session start to kill our bore.....

Keep calling Oon for the past 1 hr till 9pm when she reached, our feeling like "Phew, finally..." Let her settle down, dinner, sang song and after a while, we started our plan....

This photo was not allowed to be post on Facebook. Oon say I'm the 1st to put her actual age for candles on the cake. No worry unable to see how many candles on it.

I like this photo of Oon.

3 of us. Shit I'm gain alot of weight from this photo.

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