Sunday, September 12, 2010

TMV Trip 7-9 Sep 2010

Virgin Trip to Hanoi. It was an eye opener. Again this trip is all about food food food. A big Thank You to Mummy Chinh for her warm hospitality and for bringing us around the buzzling city.

 Sofidel Suite. Another nice big bed, but i slp alone :(


Bathtub & shower area


 Thank you Mummy Chinh for your thoughfulness
 I made it an effort to try MacDonalds and Club Sandwich at every country I go. So this is Sofidel's Club sandwich. its jus so-so nia, bacon was hard.

 View from hotel.

 Nice morning view of the lake

 TMV Office, the only tall building in the vicinity

 We went to this place for their famous Cha-ca fish

 Lots of vege, i like

 Noodle clump

Add in vege, fried cha-ca fish. Put some spring onions and peanuts. Add the fish sauce , mix a bit and ... vhackkk

This place is ... indescribable

None shall pass

 Finally got out, wat an experience!

Never-ending flow of motorcycles


Our Tour tram into Old Hanoi City. 30mins ride, USD$1.20

 Water puppet...

 Ang moh in trishaw

 Each lane inside Old Hanoi City has a theme. I forgot wats this lane's theme

 Shops in this lane sells chinese goods only

 Charles & Keith

 Trees painted white on the lower section to prevent worms and insects from harming it

 This intersection was so busy that we had to take a pic

These angmoh girls later stood right in the middle of the intersection n snap some pics while their BF's were too afraid to join them.. HaHa

 2nd night dinner

 Orange juice, refreshing after a long hot day

 Some night snack 

 Went to a supermarket to buy some last min stuff

 Our Hotel

 Lotsa ppl fish at this lake

 Accident. Right after plane landed. Big toe nail came out. Went for immediate minor operation

 Pain Pain!

 Stuff bought @ good price :p

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