Sunday, November 21, 2010

Kimberly & Malinda's Mini Party

7 yrs since our last BBQ session with the Ladies. Had a fun and most memorable one. The rain started to pour at 7pm and we were holding our umbrellas to protect the food.

 Waiting for Steve to fetch us, we started our photo session

 I love her bling bling

 ezb catering for BBQ. 

The thoughtful Kim to buy the Cesar Salad

 Waiting for the rest

 The 1st time I saw hand gloves during BBQ

See what Kim did for us

 Specially for Kim

Raining heavily. Suay or Heng? Kim informed Helen to book the pit that had shelter. The only one some more.

 Tiramisu from Emi Cake

The Ladies. Giving me lots of fun and laughter. 

 The Birthday Gals with the Guys

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