Thursday, December 23, 2010

Pre-Xmas Celebration with The GanG

Had an earlier celebration this year with the gang. Went buffet at Marriot and had xmas exchange at Divine. Oh I'm in love with Divine now. The surrounding is so nice, like you are in some Europe restaurant having a drink. I tell Bb that it will going to be my favourite hang out.

 Our Xmas Gifts for exchange

Each of us spend about $65 for the meal but it doesnt worth it at all. Food varieties are not as much as what other buffet having and service is bad too.I'm wont be going for 2nd time even if it is free.

The high ceiling.

The ladies

The Guys!!
Present Mr & Mrs Choy. Still waiting happily from them to announce their big day to us.

The lovely couple 1

Mr and Mrs Lee

Mr and Mrs Lim

The lovely couple 2

The GanG

Writing down names to draw lots for present exchange

iphone time for iphone users while waiting to draw lots

This was what we were waiting for the night. We were wondering how the angel flying up to take the wine but after looking at it, hmm there was nothing much to be excited about.

The guys with the presents

The ladies with their presents

Next Coming Up: Pre-Celebration of Chinese New Year.

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