Sunday, February 20, 2011

CNY 2011 - Update

I always reserve my 2nd weekend of CNY for Bb's family gathering. They always choose this day as almost all visiting end on each individual family, easy for everyone. But the best is they will have this pot luck thing. Each family bring a dish to the gathering.

See the amount of food

Jia Xuan who was close to Bb when they were young.

This year they extend the table to the living room. Saving the trouble for many rounds.

All the youngsters

The elders would be eating at the kitchen

Sick look for me

Think they are the 90s

The blackjack session. Han Wei would always kana be the banker casue he work in the bank.

Lou Hei session is always the scaiest part of the dinner. Why?? You find out soon at the below.

Preparing session

See what did the youngster did.

Han Yong choose to stand at the elders' side during Lou Hei in order to escape from the youngster

Want to find out more about the youngster do during the Lou Hei? Watch the video.

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