Monday, February 7, 2011

CNY 2011

My first year reunion dinner with Bb and the first time my parents had arrange a day early for reunion dinner because of me.

The beer and me...

Isaac busy cooking dishes for us

 Happy Family

The lovely couple

 Learnt from his dad

 Whose birthday is this?

 Yes my lovely sister. Her lunar birthday always falls either the eve or a day before the eve.

Wishing for more $$$

Wow he is big now. Know how to cut cake for us

The Reunion Dinner at Bedok...

I didnt manage to take much photos. Busy helping MIL to wash plates.

1st day of CNY...

 The Babes

 I love this dress of mine

 With my handsome Bb

 Ivan say he need to pose the rabbit ears coz is the rabbit year

Isaac take this photo of us. I'm look fat...

I didnt take any photos for the remaining 3 days, tired and sick. Abit sian this year. Spending 2 days at home resting. I need to get well soon within these few days.

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