Sunday, March 6, 2011

Banana Walnut Cake

My 1st baking on cake but doesnt turn out to be good. Next time I will remember not to follow the time written on recipe and adjust the timing on my own. Forget everyone's oven is different. The cake turn out to be hard on the outer layer. And as for the taste, I didnt put enough bananas. Never mind, will do better on my next round.

Recipe Source from Happy Home Baking

1) 100g butter, soften at room temperature
2) 160g caster sugar
3) 3 eggs, lightly beaten, room temperature
4) 1tsp vanilla extract
5) 2 large ripe bananas, mashed
6) 210g plain flour
7) 1 tsp baking powder
8) 50g walnuts, chopped

1) Grease (with butter) and flour the sides of an 8" or 9" rund pan and line the base with parchment paper
2) With an electric mix or a manual whisk, cream butter and sugar till light and fluffy
3) Dibble in the eggs gradually and beat till incorporated in the batter.
4) Add vanilla extract and mashed bananas. Mix till smooth
5) Sieve flour, baking powder and mix till smooth
6) Add chopped walnuts. (reserved some for sprinkling the top if you want)
7) Pour batter into prepared pan and smooth out the top with the spatula. Sprinkle the top with the walnuts.
8) Bake in pre-heat oven at 180 deg C for 60 mins or until a skewer comes out clean when insert into the cake
9) Leave the cake to cool into pan for about 5 - 10 mins, unmold and transfer to wire rack to cool completely.

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