Tuesday, February 14, 2012

CNY Day 12

Having a small mini gathering with Oon and Angel over at my place. No need to rush back home once 9pm reach. Ok I'm not having any curfew. Is just that Guinevere is still small now, we need to go home early to prepare for her bedtime Normally if we went out and came back home, we need to take about 2 hrs to calm her down. Imagine if we reach home at 10pm, we only be able to sleep at 12am or even later.

We ordered Madjack for delivery for the night. Food was normal but the burger taste nice. Shall order the burger on the next round. Oon still order satays and me chicken wings for the side dishes.

Blue Mountain Chicken Burger & Chips, S9.90

Grilled Chicken in BBQ Sauce, $8.90

Grilled Chicken in Black Pepper Sauce, $8.90

Grilled Lamp Chop in Brown Sauce, $12.90

And yes I didnt take the 2 side dishes from Madjack, Cheesy Garlic Bread, $6.90 and Oyster Platter, $12.90. Anyway, the picture from the website look tempting but it doesn't taste nice at all.

1st ang pow from Angel Godma

I take photo with Javier Kor Kor

 Angel Godma 1st time feeding Guinevere

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