Sunday, July 15, 2012

The Last Minute Cooking


Love my new glasses..


My regimen to a beautiful day!!

Raisins, Dates & Pecans

Learning to Stand!!!

Baby Guinevere at her 8 months 1st week

Baby Guinevere - 8 Mths 1st Week

Flash cards

Kiasu Mummy trying to teach her baby.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Out on a beautiful day..

Kung Fu Daughter

 This is how she sit now at her pram

Baby Guinevere - 13.06.12

Her cheerful smile

Baby Guinevere - 8.6.12

Out with Godma & buddy.

Longchamp Sling Bag

Gift from my darling Bb.

Kaminomoto Hair Growth Accelerator

I'm been using for almost half bottle for this hair growth accelerator and it really works. Still dropping but not as much as before. And I'm start to grow hair too. Satisfied with the product.

Amtherystory - Eyes Cream

Trying out the amtherystory for my eyes now, hope it help on my dark circles

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Mac Book Pro

Been missing quite awhile, busy at work and need spend more time with my girl. Miss her alot during my working hours. Another reason that I did not blog is due to the new lappie that Bb bought.

Suppose to be mine but turn out to be his. Haha sacrifice myself. He going to kill me when he see this. Ok Bb intend to purchase 2 but I told him there is no space in our room and new flat is coming soon. Nowadays laptop is for me to blog, editing photos & pay bills. No time to do other stuffs. Since he will use it often (as in playing D3) then why dont he buy his first. Mine can wait, no hurry.

But I have a second thought of using mac book. It is not compatible with my software which I use to edit photo. Unless this can be solve if not I dont think I will buy.