Friday, September 10, 2010

Apple Honey Dates with White Fungus Dessert

I always want to try different methods in cooking white fungus. Do some research and found out this recipe from Bits of Taste. Just dump everything into the slow cooker and let it cook. But before I did that, I still cook on the normal pot. Faster. And I also changed the recipe to suit mine.

Recipe Source from Bits of Taste

1) Gala Apple - 3pcs, cut into 4 portions
2) Honey Dates - 6 pcs
3) White Fungus - 6 florets
4) Dried Longan - 10pcs
5) Rock Sugar - 3 pcs (up to your own preferences)
6) Water - 3 Litres
7) Pandan Leave - 1 stalk

1) Soak the white fungus for 15 mins. Cut away the hard part which is yellow in color.
2) Wash and drain the gala apples, honey dates, dried longans and white fungus.
3) Boil the water with pandan leaves. Simmer for 8 mins and take out the pandan leaves from the pot after   that.
4) Add in white fungus and honey dates.
5) Add in dried longan and rock sugar after 10 mins.
6) Lastly add in gala apples. After this, i transfer to slow cooker to leave it to cook.

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