Sunday, December 19, 2010

TMAP's DnD @ M Hotel

This year, TMAP held their DnD at M Hotel. I want to join in the fun as till now I do not have the chance to go M Hotel and taste their food. This hotel was one of my choices when we select our venue for wedding. In the end, I felt so glad that we didnt choose there. One of the reason was we think it would be too cramp of having 30 tables at the ballroom itself, making the guests having difficulties in walking around. Yes indeed. On the night itself at their DnD, I was having difficulty in making my way to the restroom. They were too happening, taking photos instead of having their dinner.

 Always forget to change the lighting before shooting on the 1st shot

 This was much better

 Pretty women beside Bb

 Follow the post that Narin was doing. Take 1

 Take 2

Take 3 with Bb joining us

 The door gift with 4GB thumbdrive

 The prizes

 ASMD Table

Committe Members

 1st dish


 Guess whose hand?

 Singing "后来" in chinese and japanese.

 Narin dont like to waste food and would eat the remaining that was left on the main plate.

Didnt continue to take any of the photos till here. I was enjoying myself with the activites that were going on. Although the food wasnt taste good but the night was fun and crazy. No luck for the lucky draw but never mind, we would have ours in other area.

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