Friday, February 24, 2012

1st Outing to TM

Finally she smile after we went to tm. Guinevere seems to know we were going out since morning that we told her. Nowadays Bb and I need to sneek out without saying "Bye Bye" to her if we went out alone. This is the first time that we brought Guinevere out to shopping. Make an agreement with Bb that for the first 6 months, we should try to avoid crowded place like town as her immune system is not as stong as we adults. Only to nearby places for the time being. Another is quite a hassle to bring alot of her barangs barangs. Went to Sakae for dinner and Guinevere seems to be curious over with it.

 My 2 important persons in my life now

 Saying "Hi" to Mummy

Feel like pinching her cheeks but confirm she get angry

 Curious on the plates that pass by. Daddy was telling Guinevere how it works.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Daddy's Style of Feeding Guinevere

Daddy's unique style of feeding Guinevere. Not sure why, she love Daddy to feed her in this way.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Cutie Little Guinevere

She just way too cute ^^

Bb's Valentine Day Present

Send this photo to Bb and told him that this year his valentine's day present is his daughter's precious smile.

Bb's Creation & Effort

Love his creation

 and effort. A simple dinner that warms my heart.

Pre-Valentine Day Celebration - Hans

Why there was this pre-valentine day celebration? Bb was serving his reservist from 1st Feb - 18th Feb and he received his schedule that he might need to go Tekong on 14th Feb and to stay over a night over there. When I heard it, I was like "Huh, why on valentine's day night?" But anyway, we got like 2 years didnt celebrate after we married. Flowers are expensive on this day, crowded at almost all restaurants and only valentine day menu is available. Must as well stay at home, watch tv and relax. Keke.. I seem to be like an auntie now.

Ok anyway our CC here has open Hans since last year and we do not have a chance to visit. Take this opportunity to visit. Not sure when was the last time I stepped into Hans but anyway it doesn't seem to leave me an impression again. Food was ok only. I can say something like my house downstairs coffeeshop standard. Think I still prefer Aston over Hans.

Order the set menu. Soup of the day.

 NZ Prime Sirloin Steak at $15.80

Fish n Chips, $9.80

Jason came with us and since he not able to take any of the cold drink, he select this. I can say it is terrible sweet. Strawberry with honey. And Guess what this cost $4.70 without ice.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Fried Rice - Luncheon Meat, Mushroom, Long Bean, Xiao Bai Cai

My creation. My mum was asking fried rice can use Xiao Bai Cai meh? She never heard before. Only use cabbage. Haha. I told her I didnt buy enough long beans so I just grab whatever the fridge has.


My sweet little pie

Mummy & Guinevere

Us on 4.2.12

CNY Day 12

Having a small mini gathering with Oon and Angel over at my place. No need to rush back home once 9pm reach. Ok I'm not having any curfew. Is just that Guinevere is still small now, we need to go home early to prepare for her bedtime Normally if we went out and came back home, we need to take about 2 hrs to calm her down. Imagine if we reach home at 10pm, we only be able to sleep at 12am or even later.

We ordered Madjack for delivery for the night. Food was normal but the burger taste nice. Shall order the burger on the next round. Oon still order satays and me chicken wings for the side dishes.

Blue Mountain Chicken Burger & Chips, S9.90

Grilled Chicken in BBQ Sauce, $8.90

Grilled Chicken in Black Pepper Sauce, $8.90

Grilled Lamp Chop in Brown Sauce, $12.90

And yes I didnt take the 2 side dishes from Madjack, Cheesy Garlic Bread, $6.90 and Oyster Platter, $12.90. Anyway, the picture from the website look tempting but it doesn't taste nice at all.

1st ang pow from Angel Godma

I take photo with Javier Kor Kor

 Angel Godma 1st time feeding Guinevere

CNY Day 7

Our usual Lou Hei session on the day 7 of the CNY. This year happen to be my Da Sao's birthday. Mother will always cook a few dishes on this day as it is also the day to eat the 7 different types of vegetables.

Da Sao eating happily her longevity noodles

Preparing the Lou Hei. Not sure why this year ichiban sushi did not pre-mix the ingredients.

Food for the night

Daddy follow what Guinevere is doing

With the cousins

Durian Puff from emicake

Phun Family

Monday, February 6, 2012

CNY Day 2

We didnt go anywhere on the 2nd day. Stay at home. Guinevere was too tired after the 1st day of visiting relatives. Since no one was at home and we kinda sick of steamboat, we decided to go for a western food. NYDC was our choice on that night for our dinner. I cant remember when was my last time to step in nydc.
A good thing their standard of food still remains but the price increase alot. Phew...

CNY Day 1

A special year this time with our daughter joining us to celebrate CNY. Although was tired that we need to bring lots of her barang barang but looking at her sweet face, everything was worth.

My 1st CNY.. HUAT Ah!!! 23.01.12

 Our first time given ang pows to Guinevere.Wishing her in good health, grow stronger, prettier and be a smart gal...