Monday, December 13, 2010


Remember that I'm lost something last week. Everyone was asking me what was this thing about but I didnt replied. Ok let me answer at here. If you been to USS, there is this juice bottle call Love Portion that you purchase from one of the shop. I love this bottle and wanted to have it. Unique. Some more my sister paying for me. But till end of the day, Bb lost the straw inside the cab while we were on our way home. I was like "WHAT".

2 days later, I found out that Bb did something that gave me surprise and touch. He email to USS and inform them about the lost of the straw and they really replied and replace Bb a new one. I didnt expect him to go and email them and at the same time USS would replace the straw.

Love my darling Bb so much.

1 comment:

  1. woahhhh USS so nice!!! hehe i love to drink my olong tea with tt bottle!!! somehw i think it look like a potion n taste better HAHAHA spastic.
